5 Essential Lifestyle Changes to Improve Life with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It is really unfortunate for anyone to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is because, currently, there is no cure for the disease. People suffering from the disease are curious to learn about the ways to manage the symptoms.
According to reports, 10-15% of American adults suffer from irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Luckily, some simple lifestyle changes can benefit these countless patients.
Many of you might be unfamiliar with the condition. However, we are here to help you understand what irritable bowel syndrome is and what lifestyle changes you should make to relieve its pain.
What is irritable bowel syndrome?
Irritable bowel syndrome is a medical condition in which your intestines and digestive system are affected. Some of the symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain, diarrhea, gas, constipation, etc.
Undoubtedly, the condition is grueling; the only positive from here is that it didn’t develop into something more serious.
The best part is that you can manage your symptoms by changing your eating habits, making some lifestyle changes, or can leverage the benefits of RSO.
5 Lifestyle Changes that Can Help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Here are some changes in lifestyle that you must adopt to manage the symptoms of IBS:
1. Make Exercise a Part of Your Routine
It is hard to believe that exercise can help manage such a challenging medical condition, but it’s true. We are not the ones saying it; research back this claim. There are several studies that suggest that doing minimal exercise daily can help you manage irritable bowel disease.
A 2019 study found that aerobic exercises have helped women dealing with mild or moderate IBS to improve their symptoms. The results were achieved after doing six weeks of exercises on a treadmill.
2. Eat More Fiber
Your elders might have told you that eating fibrous foods helps with constipation. Have they ever done so? Well, trust them, they are right.
It is recommended to add high-fiber food to your routine. Even doctors recommend using supplements enriched with fiber like Metamucil or Citrucel.
Make sure that you don’t just start eating only fibrous food; it can worsen the condition; the best is to start with a low quantity.
3. Follow a Low FODMAP Diet
Another lifestyle change that can significantly improve IBS condition is to follow a low FODMAP diet. We understand that FODMAP can be a new term for you. It stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.
These can cause health concerns like bloating and gas. Avoiding high-FODMAP foods, or at least limiting them, can help you manage IBS symptoms. Removing these foods and adding them one by one can also help you know what specific food is causing the issue.
4. Try Not to Take Stress
Do you know that stress is one of the most common triggers or reasons behind irritable bowel syndrome? So, when you know that it can cause health concerns, why not stay away from it?
You can meditate to relax or adopt other techniques to manage your health. Some of the common ways are:
- Go for a morning walk and focus on your surroundings
- Deep breath exercise
- Yoga
- Be close to nature
Follow these calming and relaxing techniques and remove stress from your soul and body like it never existed.
5. Keep a Food Diary
Last but not least, you must always keep a food diary with you. As soon as you eat something, note it. Doing so will help you understand what food triggers the conditions. This will help you avoid those eatables in the long run or add alternatives.
Irritable bowel disease is a debilitating condition, and there is no permanent cure to this illness. However, you can manage it effectively by making some lifestyle changes. Follow the above-mentioned practices and make them a part of your daily routine to manage IBS symptoms. It is also best if you involve a healthcare professional and make the changes with their guidance.